From start to finish, this movie is all about pulling on the heartstrings. And it doesn’t help that it’s based on a true story – about a Southern, white woman adopting a homeless black teen. Before you know it you’ll be drizzing into your popcorn, and you won’t be able to stop. It employs all the classic triggers: poor black kid with loads of potential but no support, love in the face of racism and prejudice, as well as the favourite – Overcoming All Odds.
There have been dozens of these movies made throughout the years. Some are too cheesy to even stomach, and others have been overacted and all too serious. The Blind Side seems to have found a good balance. With an Oscar winning performance from Sandra Bullock and a script that doesn’t indulge itself too much, the film is a success in my book. Just try not break down into the “ugly cry” and make the other moviegoers uncomfortable.
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